Laser Tag Armory

Welcome to the Combat Ops armory! Our state-of-the-art taggers are unlike anything you’ve played with in the area. They look realistic, sound realistic, and can simulate any modern weapon—both in sound and the way they emit damage. Depending on your mission, you could come across a “weapons box” during gameplay and pick up a machine gun, a sniper rifle, or even weaponry that simulates a Star Wars battle. Children and adults alike rave about our technology.

Our taggers use Wifi to communicate with each other as well as “props” on the battlefield to create the ultimate LIVE first-person shooter game.

One more thing—at Combat Ops, we don’t use bulky vests. We use headband sensors connected to the tagger via Bluetooth. This frees you up to move about with less restriction. It also enhances the experience and excitement as one can be tagged by simply peeking around a corner.

Armory Features

Welcome to the Combat Ops Rifle – the most modern weapon in the laser tag industry. It features hundreds of different built-in weapon types and sound effects. It can imitate ANY weapon - from semi-automatic to fully automatic to even RPG's or tank cannons! Be sure to check out our NERF-style armory too - we feature everything from hammer-style six shooters to fully automatic MEGA blasters! Be sure to sign up for mission updates or follow us on social media!

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Real Vehicles

Whether they're your targets, obstacles, or part of your mission, experience working through and around real vehicles in the game arena – from a school bus to troop transport trucks.

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War-torn Environment

Immerse yourself in the gameplay experience – war-torn buildings in your arena landscape can be part of the mission or used to sneak across the combat arena undetected.

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Higher Ground

Various levels of playable space means a larger, more realistic experience – just keep your eyes open and watch out for snipers! Our gear also enables players to lay prone on the ground as well!

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